Investment in bandwidth delivering improved connectivity for members
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 129 No 6, 23 August 2024, page 13.
Internet connectivity is being enhanced at schools across Queensland, thanks to QTU advocacy.
Five years ago, as the Palaszczuk Government was preparing its 2020-21 State Budget, the QTU called on it to ensure that the technological demands of schools are reliably met and that sufficient professional development is provided for all staff.
The rapid shift to online learning during lockdowns had exposed flaws in the Department of Education’s network, something that came as no surprise to the QTU and our members. The flaws exacerbated equity concerns across Queensland’s regions. The rise of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) was adding to bandwidth pressure. Members frequently expressed concerns with the reliability of servers, network accessibility, and insufficient bandwidth, which were hindering the implementation of teachers’ innovative pedagogical practices.
In 2020-21, the QTU State Budget Submission stated: “All state schools need to have confidence in the ICT network and infrastructure in order to reap the benefits of information and communication technologies in education.”
In its 2020-21 State Budget, the Palaszczuk Government announced $477 million over the forward estimates as part of the Cooler Cleaner Schools Program to air condition state schools. This was also something that the QTU had long called for, and it was a welcome announcement. However, it overshadowed the announcement of significant investment in bandwidth upgrades.
Elsewhere in the 2020-21 Budget papers, the Government allocated more than $100 million across the forward estimates for bandwidth upgrades. By December 2021, agreements had been signed to begin two phases of upgrades that are benefitting every state school in Queensland.
Phase one upgrades commenced in March 2022 and average internet speeds have increased to 1Mbps per student, which is 40 times faster than the previous standard. The Department of Education is currently working with industry on phase two, which is to be completed during 2026. The department advises that phase two will achieve average increased internet speeds of 5Mbps per student, which is 200 times faster.
Regionally, as part of the bandwidth upgrade about forty schools are being connected to fibre optic for the first time. More isolated communities are able to access newer technologies like next-gen satellites to deliver faster internet speeds.
As of April 2024, the Department of Education has advised that more than 570,000 (more than 99 per cent) Queensland state school students are accessing faster internet speeds.
Each year, the Queensland Teachers' Union prepares a State Budget Submission, which is sent to key stakeholders and politicians including the Premier, the Education Minister, the Treasurer and relevant state opposition members. Recent submissions are available to members on the QTU website under the publications tab.