EB11: claim development – How can my voice be heard?
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 129 No 2, 28 March 2024, page 9.
Significant gains and improvements can be achieved through enterprise bargaining negotiations. This is why member engagement in the development of the enterprise bargaining claim is vital.
So, what is the purpose of EB and how does it work?
Enterprise bargaining (EB) is how your salaries and working conditions are negotiated. The results of these negotiations between the Union and the department form the basis of the certified agreement, which is an enforceable document (meaning that breaches can be escalated to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission). The certified agreement is usually renewed every three years.
So, what does the union do?
The Union consults with members on the improvements in salaries and conditions they would like to see included in a replacement certified agreement.
Once consultation is complete, your feedback is collated into a document called a log of claims. Once approved by QTU State Council, this log of claims forms the basis of negotiations with the Department of Education.
A single bargaining unit (SBU) is formed to undertake formal negotiations. This is comprised of officials negotiating on behalf of the department and experienced QTU Officers pushing for the implementation of members’ priorities. The progress of negotiations in securing the contents of the log of claims is key when the Union considers what (if any) action members need to take in support of the claim.
Get involved!
Enterprise bargaining negotiations have a massive impact on the working conditions of teachers and school leaders. Without your input, the issues that matter to you may not be addressed, and the QTU wants to ensure that we are representing the voice of our members through our democratic structures. That is why it is so important to get involved in the development of the EB claim.
Attending your local branch meeting (https://www.qtu.asn.au/branch-meetings) to have your voice heard also ensures that your feedback is heard by your State Council Representative.
The principle is simple – the more members get involved in their Union, the more the Union’s policy, positions and log of claims will reflect members’ views.