Term 4 recruitment
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 125 No 8, 6 November 2020, page no. 8
There’s never been a better time to invite new educators, and all teachers who haven’t yet become a QTU member, to join their Union at a discounted rate – $60 for permanent teachers and $30 for contract teachers.
Early in Term 4, every amazing Union Representative around the state should have received an email outlining the campaign and providing a range of resources to support in recruitment conversations, all of which can be found at www.qtu.asn.au in the Union Reps section, under recruitment resources.
We are particularly focusing on early career teachers, especially those who are 25 years or under. Why this group? Well, they will make up around 34 per cent of our workforce within the next eight years. We must engage with these dynamic teachers now to ensure the ongoing success of our amazing Union. Attracting these teachers now will ensure our great Union continues its proud tradition of strong membership.
It is important that our new educators understand the power of the collective and appreciate the links between QTU achievements and the benefits enjoyed by our teaching community. The 2020 pandemic is a perfect example, highlighting how the QTU’s 48,000 members have enabled the QTU to pursue such strong advocacy and achieve real wins for teachers, including:
- five pupil free days before the Easter vacation to prepare for remote learning
- procurement of PPE
- increased cleaning time
- continuation of temporary engagements which would have otherwise been cancelled
- a workload ballot
- the NAPLAN ban ballot.
Now is the perfect time to speak with new educators, and all teachers who haven’t yet joined, about becoming a member of an awesome community. Any questions regarding the campaign can be directed to Lynn Cowie-McAlister, Organiser Membership Growth, via email at organisers@qtu.asn.au