QTU Organisers supporting members
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 123 No 3, 11 May 2020, page no. 4
Since the end of Term 1, the QTU has been operating remotely to support QTU members across the state. As part of maintaining access to democratic decision making, all branch meetings from the beginning of Term 2 have been conducted either via Zoom or teleconference.
Given the significant workplace health and safety concerns members have been dealing with and the change in workload as members have been planning and delivering remote learning, the Union’s Organiser team has been developing new ways to support members through virtual workplace visits and meetings.
They have still been visiting some workplaces for individual member meetings and have observed the social distancing protocols in doing so. Workplace Reps across the state should be commended for the ways they have been engaging in our alternative ways of connecting.
This has ensured that members remain informed and provide feedback to the QTU in real time, along with the capacity to put forward concerns and potential solutions that the QTU can pursue with the department and the government.
One of the biggest benefits of online meetings is that they have enabled some members to take part who, for a range of different reasons, have not been able to attend a branch meeting in the past. We will be reviewing all of the processes we have been putting in place, and this may include using Zoom on an ongoing basis for some branch and other meeting.
QTU Area Council meetings are also occurring via Zoom, with the combined Metro South and Logan Redlands meetings occurring before the Easter break and the North Queensland and Wide Bay meetings occurring on 9 May.
In the months ahead, the QTU will continue to ensure than all members have capacity to participate in their local branches and area councils whilst maintaining appropriate social distancing.
Thanks to members across the state who have voluntarily given up their time to participate in these important meetings, ensuring that member voice is at the center of everything the QTU does.