Understanding Trauma: Information



When a child experiences trauma, neglect or violence, it causes fundamental changes to their developing brain. This can have a huge impact on their future success at school. It is no secret that these children often display complex behaviours and are disproportionately represented in suspensions and exclusions across our state.

This workshop aims to assist teachers and school leaders to understand the impact of trauma, and the triggers for the broad range of negative behaviours we sometimes see exhibited by these students. Throughout the day we will discuss how a school and/or teacher can develop strategies to support and re-engage students through a range of evidence-based approaches. You will hear case-studies based on the Queensland school experience and develop an understanding of small changes that can transform futures.

The impact of complex childhood trauma causes fundamental changes to their developing brain. These changes lead to significant academic, social and behavioural challenges which affect all members of the school community. Teachers, school leaders and support staff are impacted daily by these challenges and the subsequent stress and feeling of frustration or helplessness can have a lasting impact on staff wellbeing.

This workshop aims to assist all school employees to understand how complex trauma impacts the broader school community and to develop strategies and processes to assist in mitigating this impact. Throughout the day we will examine the interplay of a range of issues that deeply affect schools such as vicarious trauma, burn-out, compassion fatigue, and staff wellbeing.  We will also further examine the impact of trauma on student reward systems, as well as factors such as intergenerational trauma, poverty and the Adverse Childhood Experiences study. You will hear case-studies based on the Queensland school experience and develop a better understanding of the impact of trauma and how it can affect others in the school.  Participants will work through simple activities which prioritise the wellbeing of themselves and others in the school community.

NOTE – The two workshops “Understanding the Traumatised Child” and “How Trauma affects Schools” are designed to complement each other.  They can be undertaken in any sequence or take advantage of the special price when completing both courses together as a 2-day masterclass (where available).

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Rebecca Hack has 25 years of teaching and school leadership experience. Rebecca has trained with the USA-based Child Trauma Academy, and holds a Masters of Education in Trauma Aware Education, graduating with Distinction.  She has been principal of a complex low-SES school specialising in re-engaging students who have suffered extreme trauma. She has applied this work successfully across many of the large, complex Queensland schools she supports.  As a Principal, Rebecca has worked directly with many students with complex trauma related behaviours. She is also a former specialised foster carer, working with many children and young adults with additional needs in her own home. Rebecca has presented research-based training about the impact of complex childhood trauma, and provided practical support to teachers and school leaders in some of the most challenging schools across the state.  Rebecca has worked across primary, secondary, special education and Tertiary settings, winning several major awards during her career, including the QUT Education Prize and the Westfield Premier’s Award for Innovative and Exemplary Teaching Practice.Rebecca is currently the fulltime Professional Development Officer for the Queensland Teachers’ Union.  In this role, she has delivered professional development, training, coaching and mentoring to over 10 000 Queensland teachers and school leaders.  Rebecca has been a featured speaker at State and National Conferences, sat on International Think-Tanks,  and is a sought-after facilitator.  In the trauma field she has worked with teachers, support staff, community organisations, parents, health practitioners and school leaders to develop practical research-based solutions and build better understanding of the range of issues these children and young adults face.

kellie-Baldwin_300px.jpgKellie Baldwin has completed extensive training through the Child Trauma Academy in the USA and is an accredited clinician in both NMT™ and NME™ approaches.  She holds Masters Degrees in Trauma Aware Education and Special Education. She is an experienced educator and Head of Special Education, with responsibility for over 100 students. Kellie has case-managed hundreds of students who grew up in extraordinarily traumatic backgrounds. Many of these children experienced their first educational success through the programs offered through Kellie’s expertise and the skills she taught her team. Kellie is a registered Positive Behaviour Support practitioner and works closely with the NDIS and Child Safety to develop support plans and programs for children and young adults who have experienced complex trauma. Kellie is also a former specialised foster carer, working with many children with additional needs in her own home. Kellie’s comprehensive, practical, research-based approaches to trauma informed education have quite literally changed the lives of many young Queenslanders across the State.

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