Behaviour Management for Schools: Information


Behaviour Management for teachers and teacher aides

This suite of full day courses are designed to support teachers and teacher aides in effective classroom and behaviour management. These courses focus on all of the practical classroom skills which create a safe learning environment where students are able to thrive and learn.  We also offer a full-day course to assist staff in important de-escalation skills which can help prevent serious behaviour incidents from occurring.  We are also thrilled to launch our first courses targeted specifically for teacher aides and support staff. 

Classroom Management for Engaged Learners (Primary)

This workshop will build the capability of teachers through evidence-based, practical strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to maximise student learning and engagement.  This workshop will address the following focus areas within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers include 1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students 1.2 Understand how students learn 4.1 Support student participation 4.2 Manage classroom activities 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour 4.4 Maintain student safety 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice. 

“The goal of effective classroom management is not creating “perfect” children, but providing the perfect environment for enhancing their growth, using research-based strategies that guide students toward increasingly responsible and motivated behaviour.” (Sprick, Knight, Reinke & McKale, 2006)

Effective classroom management creates safe and supportive learning environments for all students.  Research has consistently demonstrated the relationship between effective classroom management and both academic achievement, and teacher and student wellbeing. Effective classroom management comprises everything that teachers say and do to establish and maintain a positive, safe and productive classroom environment where all students can be successful.  Setting up effective classroom systems is crucial in keeping students engaged throughout the primary school years.

This workshop will support teachers and school leaders to refine or refresh their foundational practices to maximise learning and engagement by creating safe and supportive learning environments through effective classroom management in the primary school setting.

Participants will:

  • develop their understanding of behaviour and factors contributing to disengagement
  • understand behaviour through a functional lens
  • develop practical, proactive strategies for effective classroom management which help build positive relationships
  • explore teaching with an inclusive mindset
  • develop self-care and time management strategies


Classroom Management for Engaged Learners (Secondary)

This workshop will build the capability of teachers through evidence-informed, practical strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to maximise student learning and engagement.  It will address the following focus areas within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers include 1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students 1.2 Understand how students learn 4.1 Support student participation 4.2 Manage classroom activities 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour 4.4 Maintain student safety 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice. 

“The goal of effective classroom management is not creating “perfect” children, but providing the perfect environment for enhancing their growth, using research-based strategies that guide students toward increasingly responsible and motivated behaviour.” (Sprick, Knight, Reinke & McKale, 2006)

Effective classroom management creates safe and supportive learning environments for all students.  Research has consistently demonstrated the relationship between effective classroom management and both academic achievement, and teacher and student wellbeing. Effective classroom management comprises everything that teachers say and do to establish and maintain a positive, safe and productive classroom environment where all students can be successful.  Setting up effective classroom systems is crucial in keeping students engaged into their senior secondary schooling years.

This workshop will support teachers and school leaders to refine or refresh their foundational practices to maximise learning and engagement by creating safe and supportive learning environments through effective classroom management in the high school setting.

Participants will

  • develop their understanding of adolescent behaviour and factors contributing to disengagement
  • understand behaviour through a functional lens
  • develop practical, proactive strategies for effective classroom management which help build positive relationships
  • explore teaching with an inclusive mindset
  • develop self-care and time management strategies

De-escalation Skills for Teachers

De-escalation strategies are crucial for teachers when faced with complex and challenging student behaviour. A student's behaviour often communicates a need or is in response to a specific trigger. A student with multiple and complex needs may develop various forms of behaviour to have their needs met. By understanding why a student is acting a particular way, and intervening appropriately and early, staff may avoid high level escalations.

This workshop will empower teachers to respond safely to complex and challenging behaviours, creating a conducive learning environment for all.  Teachers will develop knowledge, practical skills and strategies to proactively respond to de-escalate student behaviour whilst maintaining their own safety and wellbeing. Maintaining unconditional positive regard is at the forefront of this PD. 

Teachers will:

  • Recognise factors that impact student behaviour, including complex and challenging behaviour
  • Develop knowledge of, and strategies to support and engage students diagnosed with disability such as ASD, ADHD or trauma
  • Identify a range of approaches to address student behaviour across different phases of the Escalation Cycle
  • Demonstrate non-verbal, verbal and body language techniques that can proactively prevent or de-escalate inappropriate student behaviour to minimise a crisis occurring
  • Develop self-awareness and emotional control. Staff responses can either exacerbate or alleviate student escalation.

Understand the importance of self-care to provide optimal support, maximise learning and promote engagement for students exhibiting complex behaviour

Practical Skills for Teacher Aides

This workshop will equip teacher aides with a range of practical strategies and knowledge to build their capability to effectively support the students they work with.

Behind every great teacher is a great Teacher Aide. Teacher Aides work one-to-one, in small groups, or with a whole class of students to assist the teacher to maximise student learning. This workshop provides Teacher Aides with a toolkit of strategies to support the students they are working with to engage with their learning. Participants will develop and refine knowledge of

  • behaviour as a form of communication
  • strategies to enhance positive relationships
  • essential skills for classroom management
  • Increase awareness of classroom diversity, including neurodiversity, to support student engagement.

Whilst the teacher makes decisions about classroom management, this workshop will build the capability of teacher aides to confidently assist teachers in the classroom. 

De-escalation Skills for Teacher Aides

Teacher aides take direction from the teacher to assist students with diverse needs and complex behaviour. A student's behaviour often communicates a need or is in response to a specific trigger. A student with multiple and complex needs may develop various forms of behaviour to have their needs met. By understanding why a student is acting a particular way, and intervening appropriately and early, staff may avoid high level escalations.

Teacher Aides work one-to-one, in small groups, or with a whole class of students to assist the teacher to maximise student learning. This workshop will empower teacher aides to respond safely to complex and challenging behaviours, creating a conducive learning environment for all.  Teacher aides will develop knowledge, practical skills and strategies to proactively respond to de-escalate student behaviour whilst maintaining their own safety and wellbeing. Roles and responsibilities of teacher aides will be discussed.  Maintaining unconditional positive regard is at the forefront of this PD. 

Teacher aides will:

  • Recognise factors that impact student behaviour including complex and challenging behaviour, ASH, ADHD and trauma
  • Identify a range of approaches to student behaviour at each phase of the Escalation Cycle
  • Demonstrate non-verbal, verbal and body language techniques that can proactively prevent or de-escalate inappropriate student behaviour to minimise a crisis occurring
  • Understand that staff responses can either exacerbate or alleviate student escalation
  • Understand the importance of self-care to provide optimal support, maximise learning and promote engagement for students exhibiting complex and challenging behaviour

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The presenters

Jenny Ford.jpgJenny Ford has over 20 years’ experience teaching and leading capability programs in primary, secondary, special education, site-specific schools and environmental education centres. She has taught in alternative educational settings for students at risk of disengagement, and tertiary settings to develop effective classroom management practices for pre-service teachers. Jenny is a sought-after facilitator with extensive expertise leading professional learning initiatives for thousands of staff over her career.  Hundreds of individual schools have been supported by Jenny in the review and refinement of their whole school systems and pedagogical practices, resulting in improved student engagement and teacher wellbeing. She is passionate about building the capability of beginning and early career teachers, and has coached leaders throughout South East Queensland to develop sustainable mentoring programs.  As an experienced behaviour consultant, she provides expert knowledge in PBL and multi-tiered systems of support, including complex case management, and practical strategies in classroom management, functional behavioural assessment, trauma informed practices, disability, inclusion and neurodiversity. As an accredited MAPA and MANDT trainer, Jenny is committed to teaching staff to respond appropriately to de-escalate student behaviour to ensure safety and improved wellbeing for all. She is a trained classroom profiling instructor. Jenny has family connections to the Yuggera and Bundjalung First Nations peoples, and a commitment to building cultural capability practices in schools.  

Rebecca Hack 2023.jpgRebecca hack  has over 25 years of teaching and school leadership experience and has worked across all educational settings including Primary, Secondary, Special Education and Tertiary settings.  She has held a range of leadership positions and has mentored, supervised and supported beginning teachers for most of her working life.  Rebecca was Principal of a very complex, low-SES school for over a decade and has extensive knowledge in the area of behaviour management.  She has won several teaching awards during her career, including the prestigious Westfield Premier’s Award.  Rebecca is an experienced presenter and has worked with thousands of teachers across Queensland through the QTU and QuEST. She has also been a featured speaker at State and National Conferences, sat on International think-tanks and forums and has presented to schools and corporations internationally.

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